Дүрст мэдээ

6-р сар 10, 2019


With an aim to enhance professional skill of Mongolian heritage experts, Arts Council of Mongolia is organizing “Capacity Building Training in Heritage Building Restoration” under the “Cultural Treasure” project funded by the MCS Holding LLC.

“Capacity Building Training in Heritage Building Restoration” has lectures and onsite investigation at Choijin Lama temple and has been taught by US architect and structural engineer Stephen J. Kelley who is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects. In the past, Stephen J. Kelley was a UNESCO Tangible Heritage Expert and Vice President of the International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage (ISCARSAH).  With more than 35 years of experience, his award-winning projects are located throughout the United States but he has also worked on significant world monument projects in Asia, Europe, Africa, South America and the Caribbean basin.

This two-week training focuses on physical issues of heritage conservation and  covers following topics: “Understanding Building Materials-Their decay and evaluation”, “Building Systems-Their deterioration and evaluation”, “Building Diagnostics”, “Long-term Monitoring”, “Vulnerability and Risk Assessment” and “Determining Significance and Preparing a Conservation Management Plan”.

Training involved 30 participants including architects, construction engineers of historical building restoration companies, university lecturer and managers of historic buildings & buddhist temples of Mongolia.

        Furthermore, in the scope of “Cultural Treasure” project, Mr. Stephen J. Kelley is performing a condition assessment of the Choijin Lama Temple structures and will develop conservation management plan and provide recommendations for restoration of the temple.